! /etc/X11/Xresources/xterm ! Uncomment the following lines to make xterm appear much like a virtual ! console, so that ANSI colors will make more sense. !XTerm*background: black !XTerm*foreground: gray90 ! DEC VT series terminal emulators (like xterm) must generate VT220-compliant ! sequences for the backspace and delete keys per the Debian Policy Manual; ! this provides compatibility with the Linux console. Also, work around an ! apparent bug in the default translations for the home and end keys in ! xterm. Note that this resource specification affects all programs with a ! "vt100" widget in their resource class hierarchy, and that these ! translation overrides do not apply if one of the listed modifier keys is ! pressed (e.g., what shift-backspace does depends on the program in question). *VT100.Translations: #override ~Shift ~Ctrl ~Meta BackSpace: string("\177")\n\ ~Shift ~Ctrl ~Meta Delete: string("\033[3~")\n\ ~Shift ~Ctrl ~Meta Home: string("\033[1~")\n\ ~Shift ~Ctrl ~Meta End: string("\033[4~") ! police par défaut XTerm*font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed-*-13-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 ! Icône dynamique *VT100.activeIcon: true ! Couleur du pointeur XTerm*pointerColor: blue ! Barre de défilement XTerm*scrollBar: true ! Lignes d'historique XTerm*saveLines: 8191 ! Flash au lieu de bip XTerm*visualBell: true